The Pensions and Lifetime Savings Association (PLSA) is an organisation that represents workplace pension schemes in the UK.

Pensions and Lifetime Savings Association


The Pensions and Lifetime Savings Association (PLSA) is an organisation that represents workplace pension schemes in the UK, which collectively provide retirement income to over 30 million savers and manage investments exceeding £1.3 trillion.

Their members include a variety of financial professionals such as asset managers, consultants, and law firms.

Their primary mission is to enhance retirement incomes for UK savers. This involves ensuring adequate savings during working years, responsible investment, high standards for pension schemes, improved regulation, and helping people understand their retirement options.

The PLSA collaborates with its members to achieve these objectives.

The challenge

A major challenge was implementing Single Logout (SLO) in the SSO system. Without clear documentation, this task took several months to resolve.

The solution was found by collaborating with another Higher Logic customer and acquiring code from which inspired a solution involving a specially modified page on the PLSA website.

The solution

The project involved integrating the Salesforce Experience Portal and CRM with Higher Logic; a company that offers platforms for organisations to build and manage online communities, enhancing communication, collaboration, and member engagement.

The solution required setting up the CRM so Higher Logic could access needed data. Including badges for accessing Higher Logic services and user information like demographics and social media details.

A further feature involved creating a Single Sign-On (SSO) system that allowed users to log in once and access the website, portal, and Higher Logic.

Customising the portal to match the website’s design was another task, which included developing a unique page layout and adding custom components.

The bottom line

“The PLSA highly values the expertise and support provided by Zentso throughout this project. They collaborated seamlessly with our in-house team from initiation and scoping to delivery, and effectively engaged with all third parties.

Their extensive knowledge of CRM/Salesforce proved invaluable in resolving any issues that arose. Zentso consistently demonstrated innovative problem-solving skills and maintained a calm, focused attitude.

Their flexible and agile approach to work, combined with robust project management oversight, ensured clear reporting and timely, on-budget delivery.

As a result, the member experience across our platforms has greatly enhanced.”

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